Report on the Most Detailed Ecommerce Survey in Central and Eastern Europe (incl. Western Balkans)!
Free download plus practical and useful tips for e-merchants who want to sell in the region
Do you want to expand your online business in Central and Eastern Europe? Check the report from the most detailed ecommerce survey in the region, organized by Mediapost Hit Mail and Metrica! Download it for FREE and get priceless tips.
Discover insights you've never thought about - but should have!
eCommerce in CEE (FREE report):
Knowledge is Power for Your Business Success - Use it!
Know more about common challenges for ecommerce website owners who expand cross-border and how to overcome them
Learn about popular marketplaces in the CEE region with their pros and cons for online merchants sharing their experience
Get useful tips and valuable insights for growing your ecommerce business across the region, with YoY comparisons and updated statistics
Mediapost Hit Mail @ 2023
(FREE 45-pages reports full with useful statistics and valuable tips for ecommerce website owners who want to expand their business)